At Hastings Family Dental, we are committed to restoring the health and beauty of your smile with the most advanced and aesthetically pleasing treatments available. Composite dental fillings are a prime example of this commitment, offering a durable and visually appealing solution for repairing cavities and tooth decay. Unlike traditional amalgam fillings, composite fillings are crafted from a tooth-colored resin that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth, ensuring your smile remains bright and natural-looking.

The process for composite dental fillings is straightforward and typically completed in just one visit:

  • Tooth Preparation: Our dentists will gently remove the decayed portion of the tooth and clean the area thoroughly to prepare for the filling.
  • Filling Placement: The composite resin is then applied in layers to the cavity, with each layer being hardened using a special light.
  • Shaping and Polishing: Once the cavity is filled, the resin is shaped to match the contours of your tooth and polished to a smooth finish, restoring the tooth’s natural appearance and function.

Benefits of composite dental fillings include:

  • Aesthetically pleasing results that match the color of your natural teeth
  • Preservation of more of your natural tooth structure compared to amalgam fillings
  • A strong bond to the tooth that supports its structure and prevents breakage
  • Less sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Mercury-free and environmentally friendly

If you are in need of a dental filling or interested in replacing old amalgam fillings with a more natural-looking alternative, composite dental fillings in Hastings and Doniphan, Nebraska, offer the perfect blend of strength and beauty. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Raul Franco, Dr. Allison Kern, Dr. Chuck Bauer or Dr. Tressa Gloystein and take the first step towards a healthier, more radiant smile.